Departure from Nice

As all cycle tourists know getting your bike to and from the ride can be very stressful and demanding exercise.
Our departure from Nice is varied. Ron and Susan are flying out of Nice and these are their bikes being prepared for departure.

I am not entirely sure what is happening here.
Kit on the other hand is travelling by the overnight train to Paris to fly home.
He is transporting his bike in a bike bag and he disassembled his bike at the railway station.
He then took his bike onto the train and there was a 6 person sleeper carriage. There was no where on the train for the bike.
His carriage had four other people in it and three said he could put it under the bottom bunk and one said no. Meanwhile there were no guards to check on the luggage and the train took of at 8pm.
We will have to wait to see how he got on.

The cramped carriage

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